Prescription Delivery Service

Prescription Delivery Service Information and Payment Plans

Pay now to avoid disruptions!
  • Choose a plan

    Select a plan from below based on your needs.

    Select a Plan Now 
  • Pay online

    Click the 'buy now' button and follow the instructions on the new page (which is securely managed by GoCardless).

  • Receive your prescriptions

    Any time we receive a prescription for you, we will deliver it as soon as possible (Maximum of two deliveries per week).

  • Oxygen

  • Colostomy

  • 28 Day Plan


    /28 DAYS

    Take advantage of our flexible plan and change/ cancel at any time.


    Click here to buy now

  • Annual Plan (SAVE £32.00)



    Take advantage of our annual plan and save £32.00!


    Click here to buy now

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I now need to pay for deliveries?

As you are aware the current funding levels from the Department of Health are insufficient to run our health service. Pharmacy services are not immune to this, and consequently we are experiencing a sustained crisis in our funding model.

To that end it is with regret, that from 1st June 2024 we will no longer be able to provide our delivery services free of charge. This service was funded during the pandemic but that funding has now ceased. This has been a very difficult but necessary decision to ensure we maintain our core services of dispensing and provide you with the service levels you have come to enjoy and expect.

Are deliveries charged per household or per person?

Deliveries will be charged per household. So, for example, if you have 2 people living in your house requiring delivery, it will only be £8.00 per month.

Note we will deliver a maximum of 2 times per week, per household. Any further prescriptions will be delivered the following week.

Can I get a single one off delivery?

Yes, a single one-off delivery can be made which will cost £5.00. Payment can be made by calling our store on 028 3083 3731.